Resource Catalogue

ARTS bank

The ARTSbank (Arts Resources for Teachers and Students) is a free, online searchable database for educators, administrators, parents and students to use to achieve their learning goals.

Whether it is the visual arts, theater, dance, music or new media, research shows that creative exploration helps students reach learning and social emotional objectives in productive and innovative ways.

This bank helps harness the potential that the visual and performing arts have on the educational outcomes of many students.

Videos, Photos, Lessons, Worksheets, Links & more

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you can browse, or search for your specific needs by key word or category

Students love learning through the arts 

My project makes me feel amazed because I tried hard and I could make my own. I loved mine so so so so much. 
Jeff, grade 3
Coming up with ideas was hard for me. I solved the problem by thinking really really hard.
Brisa, grade 5
I love learning new ideas and having the students develop connections with each other through the arts.
Special education teacher, CA