Youth in Arts helps students develop Creativity, Confidence and Compassion through Music, Dance, Visual Arts & Theatre

ARTSbank: FREE research-based arts resources to help any student engage, participate, enjoy learning. Find out more about Culturally Responsive Teaching strategies, ways to address the social emotional needs of students, and ways address IEP goals through the arts.

Educator's Online Toolkit:
Research-based supports for teaching artists and educators including videos, links to research, lesson plans, worksheets and more.  Build your teaching toolkit with the arts!

VALuEd: Affordable digital arts courses for classrooms anywhere, customized to your student's needs. 

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Find lessons, warm-ups, videos, resources from other web sites. Search by art form, learning goal, subject area, and more.
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Ideas and support for Teaching Artists and Educators.
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Virtual Arts Learning Equity: Wee work directly with our partners to curate unique virtual learning experiences for students of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. 

Featured Courses

 Youth in Arts: A Community Resource Specializing in Arts Education for Over 50 Years!

Youth in Arts builds visual and performing arts skills through innovative and in-depth programs that foster confidence, compassion, and resilience in students of all abilities.
We develop capacity among educators and teaching artists, advocate for equitable access to arts education, and offer opportunities for young people to share their creative voices.

1 million+ Students

500+ Educators

Teaching Artists

Now More Than Ever,
Arts Learning
is Vital to Student Success.

Together we can find a way to keep creativity
in the classroom, no matter where it is. 
Contact us today to learn more about finding
the right program for you!
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Have questions or want to learn more about CURATED art experiences for your students? 

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